Functors, Applicative Functors e Monoids

A combinação de pureza em Haskell, funções de ordem superior, tipos de dados algébricos parametrizados e typeclasses nos permite implementar polimorfismo em um nível muito mais alto em relação as outras linguagens. Não precisamos pensar sobre a dependência dos tipos em uma grande hierarquia de tipos. Ao invés disso, pensamos a respeito de como os tipos podem se comportar e se conectar com as typeclasses apropriadas. Um Int pode se comportar como um monte de coisas. Ele pode se comportar como algo que compara a igualdade de coisas, como algo que ordena, como algo que enumera as coisas, etc.

As typeclasses são abertas, o que nos permite definir os nossos próprios tipos de dados, pense sobre como algo deve se comportar e conecte isso com as typeclasses que definem esse comportamento. Por causa disso e por causa do belo sistema de tipos de Haskell, que nos permite saber bastante sobre uma função apenas olhando para a sua declaração de tipo, podemos definir typeclasses que definem um comportamento bem amplo e abstrato. Nós já fomos apresentados a typeclasses que definem as operações que inspecionam duas coisas quaisquer e nos dizem se elas são iguais ou que comparam a ordem delas. Esses são comportamentos bastante abstratos e elegantes, mas nós já não pensamos neles como algo super ultra especial porque geralmente lidamos com eles ao longo de boa parte das nossas vidas. Recentemente nós descobrimos os functors, que basicamente são coisas que podem ser mapeadas. Isso é um exemplo de uma propriedade bastante útil e abstrata que as typeclasses podem descrever. Neste capítulo vamos dar uma olhada bem de perto em functors, juntamente com uma versão mais forte e útil de functors chamada de applicative functors. Vamos também dar uma boa olhada em monoids, que são uma espécie de isolante.

Functors redux

Já falamos sobre functors no próprio capítulo deles. Se você ainda não leu ele, provavelmente deveria dar uma olhada agora, ou talvez depois quando você tiver um pouco mais de tempo. Ou você pode simplemente fingir que já leu ele.

Ainda assim, aqui vai uma rápida revisão: Functors são coisas mapeaveis, assim como listas, Maybes, árvores, e tal. Em Haskell, eles são descritos pela typeclass Functor, que tem apenas um método de typeclass, chamado fmap, que tem o tipo fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. Ele diz: me de uma função que recebe um a e que retorna um b e uma caixa com um a (ou um monte deles) dentro dela e eu te darei uma caixa com ou b (ou um monte deles) dentro dela.

Um conselho de amigo. Muitas vezes a analogia das caixas é usada para nos ajudar a ter alguma intuição sobre como functors funcionam, e depois, provavelmente vamos usar a mesma analogia para applicative functors e monads. É uma analogia bacana que ajuda as pessoas a entenderem functors em um primeiro momento, apenas não leve isso tão ao pé da letra, porque para algumas functors essa analogia da caixa não se aplica muito bem. Um termo mais correto para definir o que as functors realmente são seria contexto computacional. O contexto pode ser que a computação pode ter um valor ou pode ter uma falha (Maybe e Either a) ou ele pode ter mais valores (listas), coisas desse tipo.

Se quisermos fazer um tipo construtor uma instância de Functor, ele deverá ter um tipo de * -> *, o que significa que ele recebe exatamente um tipo concreto como um tipo de parâmetro. Por exemplo, de um Maybe pode ser feita uma instância porque ele recebe um tipo como parâmetro para produzir um tipo concreto, como Maybe Int ou Maybe String. Se um tipo construtor tem dois parâmetros, como Either, temos de aplicar parcialmente o tipo construtor até que ele só tenha um parâmetro do tipo. Portanto, não podemos escrever instance Functor Either where, mas podemos escrever instance Functor (Either a) where e, em seguida, se imaginarmos que fmap é só para Either a, ele teria uma declaração de tipo de fmap :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c. Como você pode ver, a parte Either a é fixa, porque Either a recebe apenas um tipo como parâmetro, ao passo que se Either recebesse dois então fmap :: (b -> c) -> Either b -> Either c não iria fazer sentido.

Aprendemos por enquanto como que um monte de tipos (bem, tipos construtores na verdade) são instâncias de Functor, como [], Maybe, Either a e o tipo Tree que nós mesmo fizemos. Dizemos como queremos mapear funções para o nosso próprio bem. Nesse capítulo, vamos dar uma olhada em mais duas instâncias de functor, chamadas de IO e (->) r.

Se algum valor tiver o tipo de, digamos, IO String, isso irá significar que uma ação I/O, quando executada, irá até o mundo real e trazer alguma string para nós, que será o nosso resultado. Podemos usar <- na sintaxe do para atrelar esse resultado a um nome. Já mencionamos que ações I/O são como pequenas caixas com perninhas que vão até o mundo real e pegam algum valor para nós. Nós podemos inspecionar o que elas pegaram, mas depois de inspecionar, nós temos que devolver o valor de volta ao IO. Ao pensar nessa analogia da caixa com pequenas perninhas, nós conseguimos ver como IO age como um functor.

Vamos ver como IO é uma instância de Functor. Quando nós usamos uma função fmap sob uma ação I/O, nós esperamos receber de volta uma ação I/O que faz a mesma coisa, mas que tem a nossa função aplicada sobre seus valores resultantes.

	instance Functor IO where
    fmap f action = do
        result <- action
        return (f result)

O resultado de mapear alguma coisa sobre uma ação I/O será uma ação I/O, por isso logo de cara nós usamos a sintaxe do pra colar duas ações e fazer uma nova. Na implementação do fmap, nós fizemos uma nova ação I/O que primeiro executa a ação I/O original e chama o seu resultado result. Em seguida, fazemos return (f result). return é, como você já sabe, uma função que ira criar uma ação I/O que nada fará além de apenas apresentar isso como resultado. A ação que o bloco do irá produzir sempre tera o valor resultante da sua última ação. Por isso que nós criamos uma ação I/O que faz absolutamente nada, que irá apenas apresentar f result como o resultado da nova ação I/O.

Podemos brincar um pouco nisso para ganhar alguma intuição. É realmente muito simples. Da só uma olhada nesse pedaço de código:

	main = do line <- getLine
          let line' = reverse line
          putStrLn $ "You said " ++ line' ++ " backwards!"
          putStrLn $ "Yes, you really said" ++ line' ++ " backwards!"

O usuário nos envia um valor (line) e nós devolvemos ele para o usuario ao contrário (com a função reverse). Veja como podemos re-escrever isso usando fmap:

	main = do line <- fmap reverse getLine
          putStrLn $ "You said " ++ line ++ " backwards!"
          putStrLn $ "Yes, you really said" ++ line ++ " backwards!"


Da mesma forma que nós mapeamos com fmap o reverse em cima do Just "blah" para obtermos Just "halb", nós podemos também fazer fmap reverse sobre o getLine. Isso porque o getLine é uma ação I/O do tipo IO String e mapeando reverse sobre ele iremos ter de volta uma ação I/O que irá lá fora no mundo real, pegará uma linha e irá aplicar o reverse em cima do resultado. Da mesma forma que podemos aplicar uma função para algo dentro de uma caixa Maybe, nós podemos também aplicar uma função para o que esta dentro de uma caixa IO, que apenas irá no mundo real para obter alguma coisa. Portanto quando nós associamos isso a um nome usando <-, esse nome irá refletir um resultado que já tem o reverse aplicado.

A ação I/O fmap (++"!") getLine se comporta como getLine, simplesmente apresentando sempre junto ao seu resultado um "!".

Se olharmos em como o tipo fmap deve ser caso esteja atrelado ao IO, ele deverá ser algo como fmap :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b. Aqui o fmap pega uma função, uma ação I/O e retorna uma nova ação I/O da mesma forma que a anterior com a exceção de que a função será aplicada apenas no seu próprio resultado.

Caso você notar que esta sempre associando um resultado de uma ação I/O a um nome, só para aplicar uma função nela e chamar alguma outra coisa, considere então usar o fmap, simplesmente porque assim fica mais bonitinho. Se você quiser aplicar diversas transformações em um dado dentro de uma functor, você pode declarar sua própria função em um nível de abstração mais alto, criando uma função lambda ou idealmente, usando composição de função:

import Data.Char
import Data.List

main = do line <- fmap (intersperse '-' . reverse . map toUpper) getLine
          putStrLn line

$ runhaskell fmapping_io.hs
hello there
E-R-E-H-T- -O-L-L-E-H

Provavelmente você já esta sabendo que intersperse '-' . reverse . map toUpper é uma função que recebe uma string, mapeia um toUpper sobre ela, aplica um reverse no resultado e por último aplica sobre esse novo resultado o intersperse '-'. É o mesmo que escrever (\xs -> intersperse '-' (reverse (map toUpper xs))), porém mais bonitinho.

Uma outra forma de Functor que nós estivemos sempre lidando com ela mas que ainda não sabiamos é que (->) r é uma Functor. Provavelmente você esta um pouco confuso agora, pensando "que diabos esse (->) r significa"? O tipo de função r -> a pode ser reescrito como (->) r a, da mesma forma que podemos re-escrever 2 + 3 como (+) 2 3. Agora quando olhamos o (->) r a, nós podemos enchergar o (->) sobre uma ótica diferente, porque nós vemos ele apenas como um tipo construtor que pega dois parâmetros, assim como o Either. Mas lembre-se, nós vimos que um tipo construtor deve pegar exatamente um tipo de parametro para que ele possa ser uma instância de Functor. Esse é o porque não podemos fazer com que o (->) seja uma instância de Functor, porém se nós aplicarmos parcialmente isso ao (->) r, não nos trará problemas. Se a sintaxe permitir que tipos contrutores sejam parcialmente aplicados em partes (da mesma forma que podemos aplicar + ao fazer (2+), que é o mesmo que (+) 2), você poderá escrever então (->) r como (r ->). O que são funcões functors? Bem, vamos dar uma olhada na implementação que esta em Control.Monad.Instances

Usualmente marcamos funções que contém qualquer coisa e que retornam qualquer coisa como a -> b. r -> a é o mesmo esquema, apenas usamos letras diferentes para o tipo da variável.
	instance Functor ((->) r) where
    fmap f g = (\x -> f (g x))

Se a sintaxe permitisse, poderia ser escrito como

	instance Functor (r ->) where
    fmap f g = (\x -> f (g x))

Porém não permite, então temos que escrever da forma anterior.

Antes de mais nada, vamos pensar a respeito do tipo fmap. Ele é fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. O que vamos fazer agora é substituir mentalmente todos aqueles f, que é a regra onde a instância do nosso functor trabalha, por (->) r. Vamos fazer isso para entender como o fmap se comporta nessa instância em particular. Substituindo temos fmap :: (a -> b) -> ((->) r a) -> ((->) r b). Agora o que nós fazemos é escrever os tipos (->) r a e (-> r b) de forma infixa r -> a e r -> b, como normalmente fazemos com funções. O que obtemos agora é fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b).

Hmmm beleza. Mapear uma função sobre outra função vai produzir uma função, da mesma forma que mapear uma função sobre um Maybe vai produzir um Maybe e mapear uma função sobre uma lista irá produzir uma lista. O que, por exemplo, o tipo fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b) nos diz? Então, perceba que isso recebe uma função a partir de a para b e uma função de r para a e retorna uma função a partir de r para b. Será que isso te lembra alguma coisa? Sim! Composição de funções! Nós empilhamos a saída de r -> a sobre a entrada de a -> b para ter a função r -> b, que é exatamente o que composição de funções é. Se você observar como a instância é definida acima, vai ver que aquilo é apenas uma composição de função. Outra forma de escrever essa instância pode ser:

	instance Functor ((->) r) where
    fmap = (.)

Isso nos revela que usar fmap sobre funções é apenas composição de uma maneira óbvia. Digite em seu terminal :m + Control.Monad.Instances, já que ai é onde a instância é definida e então tente brincar com mapeamentos sobre funções.

ghci> :t fmap (*3) (+100)
fmap (*3) (+100) :: (Num a) => a -> a
ghci> fmap (*3) (+100) 1
ghci> (*3) `fmap` (+100) $ 1
ghci> (*3) . (+100) $ 1
ghci> fmap (show . (*3)) (*100) 1

Podemos chamar fmap como uma função infixa e então a semelhança com o . fica bem clara. Na segunda linha de entrada, estamos mapeando (*3) sobre (+100), que resulta em uma função que vai pegar uma entrada, chamar (+100) nela e então chamar (*3) sobre o resultado. Nós realizamos a chamada dessa função com o 1.

E como será que a analogia da caixa se encaixa aqui? Bem, se você forçar bastante a barra, ela se encaixa. Quando usamos o fmap (+3) sobre Just 3, é tranquilo de imaginar que o Maybe seria tipo uma caixa com algumas coisas dentro sobre as quais iremos aplicar a função (+3). Mas e quando nós estamos fazendo um fmap (*3) (+100)? Nesse caso você pode imaginar a função (+100) como uma caixa que eventualmente irá conter o resultado. Da mesma forma que uma ação I/O pode ser uma espécia de caixa que se vai ao mundo real e volta pra gente com o resultado. Usando fmap (*3) no (+100) vai criar outra função que se comporta como (+100), apenas antes de produzir um resultado, (*3) será aplicado no resultado. Agora a gente pode ver como o fmap age como . para as funções.

O fato de que fmap é uma composição de funções quando usada em funções não é tão absurdamente útil no momento, mas ao menos é bem interessante. Isso abre um pouco a nossa mente e nos permite entender que as coisas se comportam mais como cálculos do que caixas (IO e (->) r podem ser functors). A função começa a ser mapeada sobre o resultado do cálculo no próprio cálculo, porém o resultado desse cálculo é modificado com a função.

lifting a function is easier than lifting a million pounds

Antes de entramos nas regras que o fmap deve seguir, vamos pensar sobre o tipo desse fmap mais uma vez. O tipo dele é fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. Estamos esquecendo que tem a restrição da classe (Functor f) =>, deixando isso de fora pra simplificar as coisas aqui, como estamos falando sobre functors sabemos o porque deixamos o f por aqui. Quando aprendemos pela primeira vez sobre funções curried de alta ordem, aprendemos que todas funções Haskell na verdade pega apenas um parâmetro. A função a -> b -> c na verdade só recebe uma único parâmetro do tipo a e então retorna uma função b -> c, que recebe só um parâmetro e retorna um c. É assim se a gente chamar uma função com alguns poucos parâmetros (parcialmente aplicamos ela), a gente recebe de volta uma função que pega o número dos parâmetros que restaram (se a gente pensar novamente sobre funções recebendo vários parâmetros). Portanto a -> b -> c pode ser escrito como a -> (b -> c), para tornar o rearranjo (currying) mais aparente.

Seguindo a mesma linha de pensamento, se a gente escrever fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b), podemos então pensar no fmap não como uma função que pega uma função e um functor que retorna um functor, mas como uma função que pega uma função e retorna uma nova função da mesma forma que a anterior, ela apenas pega um functor como um parâmetro e retorna um functor como resultado. Ela pega uma função a -> b e retorna uma função f a -> f b. Isso é chamado de levantar uma função. Vamos brincar em torno dessa idea usando o nosso comando do GHCI :t:

ghci> :t fmap (*2)
fmap (*2) :: (Num a, Functor f) => f a -> f a
ghci> :t fmap (replicate 3)
fmap (replicate 3) :: (Functor f) => f a -> f [a]

A expressão fmap (*2) é uma função que pega um functor f sob números e retorna um functor sob números. Esse functor pode ser uma lista, um Maybe , uma Either String, tanto faz. A expressão fmap (replicate 3) vai pegar um functor sob qualquer tipo e retornar uma functor sob a lista de elementos daquele tipo.

Quando digo um functor sob números, você deve entender isso como um functor que tem números dentro dele. O anterior é um pouco mais correto técnicamente, porém o último é mais fácil de entender.

Isso é ainda mais aparente se nós aplicarmos parcialmente, por exemplo, fmap (++"!") e associar isso a um nome no GHCI.

Você pode pensar no fmap tanto como uma função que recebe uma função e um functor e então mapeia essa função sobre o functor, como você pode pensar nele como uma função que recebe uma função e levanta essa função para que ela opere no functor. Ambas visões estão corretas em Haskell e se equivalem.

O tipo fmap (replicate 3) :: (Functor f) => f a -> f [a] significa que essa função irá trabalhar em qualquer functor. O que exatamente isso irá fazer, dependerá de qual functor iremos usar nela. Se a gente usar fmap (replicate 3) numa lista, a implementação do fmap para listas será usada, que é basicamente um map. Se usarmos isso em um Maybe a, ele irá aplicar o replicate 3 ao valor dentro de Just, ou se ele for um Nothing, então permanecerá um Nothing.

ghci> fmap (replicate 3) [1,2,3,4]
ghci> fmap (replicate 3) (Just 4)
Just [4,4,4]
ghci> fmap (replicate 3) (Right "blah")
Right ["blah","blah","blah"]
ghci> fmap (replicate 3) Nothing
ghci> fmap (replicate 3) (Left "foo")
Left "foo"

A seguir, vamos dar uma olhada nas leis dos functors. Para que algo possa ser um functor, ela deve satisfazer algumas leis. É esperado que todas functors demonstrem cetos tipos de propriedades e comportamentos que são típicos de functors. Eles devem se comportar seguramente como coisas que podem ser mapeadas. Chamar o fmap em uma functor deve somente mapear a função sob o functor, apenas isso. Esse comportamento é descrito nas leis das functors. Existem duas dessas que todas instâncias de Functor devem cumprir. Elas não são forçadas automaticamente pelo Haskell, portanto você deve testa-las por sua conta própria.

A primeira lei dos functors decreta que se nós mapearmos o id de uma função sobre um functor, o functor que nós obtermos como retorno deverá ser o mesmo que o functor original. Se escrevermos isso um pouco mais formalmente, significará que fmap id = id. Basicamente então isso diz que se nós fizermos um fmap id sobre um functor, isso será o mesmo que apenas chamar id no functor. Lembre-se, id é a identidade da função, que só retorna seu parâmetro inalterado. Também podemos escrever isso como \x -> x. Se visualizarmos o functor como algo que pode ser mapeado em cima de alguma outra coisa, a lei fmap id = id irá parecer meio que trivial e óbvia.

Vamos ver se essa lei se sustenta sobre alguns valores de functors.

ghci> fmap id (Just 3)
Just 3
ghci> id (Just 3)
Just 3
ghci> fmap id [1..5]
ghci> id [1..5]
ghci> fmap id []
ghci> fmap id Nothing

Se nós olharmos na implementação de fmap por, digamos, Maybe, nós vamos descobrir porque a primeira lei dos functors se sustenta.

	instance Functor Maybe where
    fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)
    fmap f Nothing = Nothing

Imaginemos que o id age como o parâmetro f na implementação. Nós percebemos que se usarmos fmap id sobre Just x, o resultado será Just (id x), e como id só retorna isso como parâmetro, podemos deduzir então que Just (id x) é igual a Just x. Portanto agora sabemos que se nós mapearmos um id sobre um valor Maybe com um valor construtor Just, nós obteremos o mesmo resultado de volta.

Perceber que ao mapear um id sobre um valor Nothing irá retornar o mesmo valor é trivial. Então a partir dessas duas equações na implementação para fmap, nós vimos que a lei fmap id = id é verdadeira.

justice is blind, but so is my dog

A segunda lei diz que compor duas funções e então mapear a função resultante sobre um functor deve ser o mesmo que primeiro mapear uma função sobre o functor e depois mapear a outra função. Formalmente escrevendo, isso significa que fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g. Ou, escrevendo de outro jeito, para qualquer functor F, o seguinte deverá ser verdadeiro: fmap (f . g) F = fmap f (fmap g F).

If we can show that some type obeys both functor laws, we can rely on it having the same fundamental behaviors as other functors when it comes to mapping. We can know that when we use fmap on it, there won't be anything other than mapping going on behind the scenes and that it will act like a thing that can be mapped over, i.e. a functor. You figure out how the second law holds for some type by looking at the implementation of fmap for that type and then using the method that we used to check if Maybe obeys the first law.

If you want, we can check out how the second functor law holds for Maybe. If we do fmap (f . g) over Nothing, we get Nothing, because doing a fmap with any function over Nothing returns Nothing. If we do fmap f (fmap g Nothing), we get Nothing, for the same reason. OK, seeing how the second law holds for Maybe if it's a Nothing value is pretty easy, almost trivial.

How about if it's a Just something value? Well, if we do fmap (f . g) (Just x), we see from the implementation that it's implemented as Just ((f . g) x), which is, of course, Just (f (g x)). If we do fmap f (fmap g (Just x)), we see from the implementation that fmap g (Just x) is Just (g x). Ergo, fmap f (fmap g (Just x)) equals fmap f (Just (g x)) and from the implementation we see that this equals Just (f (g x)).

If you're a bit confused by this proof, don't worry. Be sure that you understand how function composition works. Many times, you can intuitively see how these laws hold because the types act like containers or functions. You can also just try them on a bunch of different values of a type and be able to say with some certainty that a type does indeed obey the laws.

Let's take a look at a pathological example of a type constructor being an instance of the Functor typeclass but not really being a functor, because it doesn't satisfy the laws. Let's say that we have a type:

data CMaybe a = CNothing | CJust Int a deriving (Show)

The C here stands for counter. It's a data type that looks much like Maybe a, only the Just part holds two fields instead of one. The first field in the CJust value constructor will always have a type of Int, and it will be some sort of counter and the second field is of type a, which comes from the type parameter and its type will, of course, depend on the concrete type that we choose for CMaybe a. Let's play with our new type to get some intuition for it.

ghci> CNothing
ghci> CJust 0 "haha"
CJust 0 "haha"
ghci> :t CNothing
CNothing :: CMaybe a
ghci> :t CJust 0 "haha"
CJust 0 "haha" :: CMaybe [Char]
ghci> CJust 100 [1,2,3]
CJust 100 [1,2,3]

If we use the CNothing constructor, there are no fields, and if we use the CJust constructor, the first field is an integer and the second field can be any type. Let's make this an instance of Functor so that everytime we use fmap, the function gets applied to the second field, whereas the first field gets increased by 1.

	instance Functor CMaybe where
    fmap f CNothing = CNothing
    fmap f (CJust counter x) = CJust (counter+1) (f x)

This is kind of like the instance implementation for Maybe, except that when we do fmap over a value that doesn't represent an empty box (a CJust value), we don't just apply the function to the contents, we also increase the counter by 1. Everything seems cool so far, we can even play with this a bit:

ghci> fmap (++"ha") (CJust 0 "ho")
CJust 1 "hoha"
ghci> fmap (++"he") (fmap (++"ha") (CJust 0 "ho"))
CJust 2 "hohahe"
ghci> fmap (++"blah") CNothing

Does this obey the functor laws? In order to see that something doesn't obey a law, it's enough to find just one counter-example.

ghci> fmap id (CJust 0 "haha")
CJust 1 "haha"
ghci> id (CJust 0 "haha")
CJust 0 "haha"

Ah! We know that the first functor law states that if we map id over a functor, it should be the same as just calling id with the same functor, but as we've seen from this example, this is not true for our CMaybe functor. Even though it's part of the Functor typeclass, it doesn't obey the functor laws and is therefore not a functor. If someone used our CMaybe type as a functor, they would expect it to obey the functor laws like a good functor. But CMaybe fails at being a functor even though it pretends to be one, so using it as a functor might lead to some faulty code. When we use a functor, it shouldn't matter if we first compose a few functions and then map them over the functor or if we just map each function over a functor in succession. But with CMaybe, it matters, because it keeps track of how many times it's been mapped over. Not cool! If we wanted CMaybe to obey the functor laws, we'd have to make it so that the Int field stays the same when we use fmap.

At first, the functor laws might seem a bit confusing and unnecessary, but then we see that if we know that a type obeys both laws, we can make certain assumptions about how it will act. If a type obeys the functor laws, we know that calling fmap on a value of that type will only map the function over it, nothing more. This leads to code that is more abstract and extensible, because we can use laws to reason about behaviors that any functor should have and make functions that operate reliably on any functor.

All the Functor instances in the standard library obey these laws, but you can check for yourself if you don't believe me. And the next time you make a type an instance of Functor, take a minute to make sure that it obeys the functor laws. Once you've dealt with enough functors, you kind of intuitively see the properties and behaviors that they have in common and it's not hard to intuitively see if a type obeys the functor laws. But even without the intuition, you can always just go over the implementation line by line and see if the laws hold or try to find a counter-example.

We can also look at functors as things that output values in a context. For instance, Just 3 outputs the value 3 in the context that it might or not output any values at all. [1,2,3] outputs three values—1, 2, and 3, the context is that there may be multiple values or no values. The function (+3) will output a value, depending on which parameter it is given.

If you think of functors as things that output values, you can think of mapping over functors as attaching a transformation to the output of the functor that changes the value. When we do fmap (+3) [1,2,3], we attach the transformation (+3) to the output of [1,2,3], so whenever we look at a number that the list outputs, (+3) will be applied to it. Another example is mapping over functions. When we do fmap (+3) (*3), we attach the transformation (+3) to the eventual output of (*3). Looking at it this way gives us some intuition as to why using fmap on functions is just composition (fmap (+3) (*3) equals (+3) . (*3), which equals \x -> ((x*3)+3)), because we take a function like (*3) then we attach the transformation (+3) to its output. The result is still a function, only when we give it a number, it will be multiplied by three and then it will go through the attached transformation where it will be added to three. This is what happens with composition.

Applicative functors

disregard this analogy

In this section, we'll take a look at applicative functors, which are beefed up functors, represented in Haskell by the Applicative typeclass, found in the Control.Applicative module.

As you know, functions in Haskell are curried by default, which means that a function that seems to take several parameters actually takes just one parameter and returns a function that takes the next parameter and so on. If a function is of type a -> b -> c, we usually say that it takes two parameters and returns a c, but actually it takes an a and returns a function b -> c. That's why we can call a function as f x y or as (f x) y. This mechanism is what enables us to partially apply functions by just calling them with too few parameters, which results in functions that we can then pass on to other functions.

So far, when we were mapping functions over functors, we usually mapped functions that take only one parameter. But what happens when we map a function like *, which takes two parameters, over a functor? Let's take a look at a couple of concrete examples of this. If we have Just 3 and we do fmap (*) (Just 3), what do we get? From the instance implementation of Maybe for Functor, we know that if it's a Just something value, it will apply the function to the something inside the Just. Therefore, doing fmap (*) (Just 3) results in Just ((*) 3), which can also be written as Just (* 3) if we use sections. Interesting! We get a function wrapped in a Just!

ghci> :t fmap (++) (Just "hey")
fmap (++) (Just "hey") :: Maybe ([Char] -> [Char])
ghci> :t fmap compare (Just 'a')
fmap compare (Just 'a') :: Maybe (Char -> Ordering)
ghci> :t fmap compare "A LIST OF CHARS"
fmap compare "A LIST OF CHARS" :: [Char -> Ordering]
ghci> :t fmap (\x y z -> x + y / z) [3,4,5,6]
fmap (\x y z -> x + y / z) [3,4,5,6] :: (Fractional a) => [a -> a -> a]

If we map compare, which has a type of (Ord a) => a -> a -> Ordering over a list of characters, we get a list of functions of type Char -> Ordering, because the function compare gets partially applied with the characters in the list. It's not a list of (Ord a) => a -> Ordering function, because the first a that got applied was a Char and so the second a has to decide to be of type Char.

We see how by mapping "multi-parameter" functions over functors, we get functors that contain functions inside them. So now what can we do with them? Well for one, we can map functions that take these functions as parameters over them, because whatever is inside a functor will be given to the function that we're mapping over it as a parameter.

ghci> let a = fmap (*) [1,2,3,4]
ghci> :t a
a :: [Integer -> Integer]
ghci> fmap (\f -> f 9) a

But what if we have a functor value of Just (3 *) and a functor value of Just 5 and we want to take out the function from Just (3 *) and map it over Just 5? With normal functors, we're out of luck, because all they support is just mapping normal functions over existing functors. Even when we mapped \f -> f 9 over a functor that contained functions inside it, we were just mapping a normal function over it. But we can't map a function that's inside a functor over another functor with what fmap offers us. We could pattern-match against the Just constructor to get the function out of it and then map it over Just 5, but we're looking for a more general and abstract way of doing that, which works across functors.

Meet the Applicative typeclass. It lies in the Control.Applicative module and it defines two methods, pure and <*>. It doesn't provide a default implementation for any of them, so we have to define them both if we want something to be an applicative functor. The class is defined like so:

class (Functor f) => Applicative f where
    pure :: a -> f a
    (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

This simple three line class definition tells us a lot! Let's start at the first line. It starts the definition of the Applicative class and it also introduces a class constraint. It says that if we want to make a type constructor part of the Applicative typeclass, it has to be in Functor first. That's why if we know that if a type constructor is part of the Applicative typeclass, it's also in Functor, so we can use fmap on it.

The first method it defines is called pure. Its type declaration is pure :: a -> f a. f plays the role of our applicative functor instance here. Because Haskell has a very good type system and because everything a function can do is take some parameters and return some value, we can tell a lot from a type declaration and this is no exception. pure should take a value of any type and return an applicative functor with that value inside it. When we say inside it, we're using the box analogy again, even though we've seen that it doesn't always stand up to scrutiny. But the a -> f a type declaration is still pretty descriptive. We take a value and we wrap it in an applicative functor that has that value as the result inside it.

A better way of thinking about pure would be to say that it takes a value and puts it in some sort of default (or pure) context—a minimal context that still yields that value.

The <*> function is really interesting. It has a type declaration of f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. Does this remind you of anything? Of course, fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. It's a sort of a beefed up fmap. Whereas fmap takes a function and a functor and applies the function inside the functor, <*> takes a functor that has a function in it and another functor and sort of extracts that function from the first functor and then maps it over the second one. When I say extract, I actually sort of mean run and then extract, maybe even sequence. We'll see why soon.

Let's take a look at the Applicative instance implementation for Maybe.

instance Applicative Maybe where
    pure = Just
    Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
    (Just f) <*> something = fmap f something

Again, from the class definition we see that the f that plays the role of the applicative functor should take one concrete type as a parameter, so we write instance Applicative Maybe where instead of writing instance Applicative (Maybe a) where.

First off, pure. We said earlier that it's supposed to take something and wrap it in an applicative functor. We wrote pure = Just, because value constructors like Just are normal functions. We could have also written pure x = Just x.

Next up, we have the definition for <*>. We can't extract a function out of a Nothing, because it has no function inside it. So we say that if we try to extract a function from a Nothing, the result is a Nothing. If you look at the class definition for Applicative, you'll see that there's a Functor class constraint, which means that we can assume that both of <*>'s parameters are functors. If the first parameter is not a Nothing, but a Just with some function inside it, we say that we then want to map that function over the second parameter. This also takes care of the case where the second parameter is Nothing, because doing fmap with any function over a Nothing will return a Nothing.

So for Maybe, <*> extracts the function from the left value if it's a Just and maps it over the right value. If any of the parameters is Nothing, Nothing is the result.

OK cool great. Let's give this a whirl.

ghci> Just (+3) <*> Just 9
Just 12
ghci> pure (+3) <*> Just 10
Just 13
ghci> pure (+3) <*> Just 9
Just 12
ghci> Just (++"hahah") <*> Nothing
ghci> Nothing <*> Just "woot"

We see how doing pure (+3) and Just (+3) is the same in this case. Use pure if you're dealing with Maybe values in an applicative context (i.e. using them with <*>), otherwise stick to Just. The first four input lines demonstrate how the function is extracted and then mapped, but in this case, they could have been achieved by just mapping unwrapped functions over functors. The last line is interesting, because we try to extract a function from a Nothing and then map it over something, which of course results in a Nothing.

With normal functors, you can just map a function over a functor and then you can't get the result out in any general way, even if the result is a partially applied function. Applicative functors, on the other hand, allow you to operate on several functors with a single function. Check out this piece of code:

ghci> pure (+) <*> Just 3 <*> Just 5
Just 8
ghci> pure (+) <*> Just 3 <*> Nothing
ghci> pure (+) <*> Nothing <*> Just 5

What's going on here? Let's take a look, step by step. <*> is left-associative, which means that pure (+) <*> Just 3 <*> Just 5 is the same as (pure (+) <*> Just 3) <*> Just 5. First, the + function is put in a functor, which is in this case a Maybe value that contains the function. So at first, we have pure (+), which is Just (+). Next, Just (+) <*> Just 3 happens. The result of this is Just (3+). This is because of partial application. Only applying 3 to the + function results in a function that takes one parameter and adds 3 to it. Finally, Just (3+) <*> Just 5 is carried out, which results in a Just 8.

Isn't this awesome?! Applicative functors and the applicative style of doing pure f <*> x <*> y <*> ... allow us to take a function that expects parameters that aren't necessarily wrapped in functors and use that function to operate on several values that are in functor contexts. The function can take as many parameters as we want, because it's always partially applied step by step between occurences of <*>.

This becomes even more handy and apparent if we consider the fact that pure f <*> x equals fmap f x. This is one of the applicative laws. We'll take a closer look at them later, but for now, we can sort of intuitively see that this is so. Think about it, it makes sense. Like we said before, pure puts a value in a default context. If we just put a function in a default context and then extract and apply it to a value inside another applicative functor, we did the same as just mapping that function over that applicative functor. Instead of writing pure f <*> x <*> y <*> ..., we can write fmap f x <*> y <*> .... This is why Control.Applicative exports a function called <$>, which is just fmap as an infix operator. Here's how it's defined:

(<$>) :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
f <$> x = fmap f x
Yo! Quick reminder: type variables are independent of parameter names or other value names. The f in the function declaration here is a type variable with a class constraint saying that any type constructor that replaces f should be in the Functor typeclass. The f in the function body denotes a function that we map over x. The fact that we used f to represent both of those doesn't mean that they somehow represent the same thing.

By using <$>, the applicative style really shines, because now if we want to apply a function f between three applicative functors, we can write f <$> x <*> y <*> z. If the parameters weren't applicative functors but normal values, we'd write f x y z.

Let's take a closer look at how this works. We have a value of Just "johntra" and a value of Just "volta" and we want to join them into one String inside a Maybe functor. We do this:

ghci> (++) <$> Just "johntra" <*> Just "volta"
Just "johntravolta"

Before we see how this happens, compare the above line with this:

ghci> (++) "johntra" "volta"

Awesome! To use a normal function on applicative functors, just sprinkle some <$> and <*> about and the function will operate on applicatives and return an applicative. How cool is that?

Anyway, when we do (++) <$> Just "johntra" <*> Just "volta", first (++), which has a type of (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] gets mapped over Just "johntra", resulting in a value that's the same as Just ("johntra"++) and has a type of Maybe ([Char] -> [Char]). Notice how the first parameter of (++) got eaten up and how the as turned into Chars. And now Just ("johntra"++) <*> Just "volta" happens, which takes the function out of the Just and maps it over Just "volta", resulting in Just "johntravolta". Had any of the two values been Nothing, the result would have also been Nothing.

So far, we've only used Maybe in our examples and you might be thinking that applicative functors are all about Maybe. There are loads of other instances of Applicative, so let's go and meet them!

Lists (actually the list type constructor, []) are applicative functors. What a suprise! Here's how [] is an instance of Applicative:

instance Applicative [] where
    pure x = [x]
    fs <*> xs = [f x | f <- fs, x <- xs]

Earlier, we said that pure takes a value and puts it in a default context. Or in other words, a minimal context that still yields that value. The minimal context for lists would be the empty list, [], but the empty list represents the lack of a value, so it can't hold in itself the value that we used pure on. That's why pure takes a value and puts it in a singleton list. Similarly, the minimal context for the Maybe applicative functor would be a Nothing, but it represents the lack of a value instead of a value, so pure is implemented as Just in the instance implementation for Maybe.

ghci> pure "Hey" :: [String]
ghci> pure "Hey" :: Maybe String
Just "Hey"

What about <*>? If we look at what <*>'s type would be if it were limited only to lists, we get (<*>) :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]. It's implemented with a list comprehension. <*> has to somehow extract the function out of its left parameter and then map it over the right parameter. But the thing here is that the left list can have zero functions, one function, or several functions inside it. The right list can also hold several values. That's why we use a list comprehension to draw from both lists. We apply every possible function from the left list to every possible value from the right list. The resulting list has every possible combination of applying a function from the left list to a value in the right one.

ghci> [(*0),(+100),(^2)] <*> [1,2,3]

The left list has three functions and the right list has three values, so the resulting list will have nine elements. Every function in the left list is applied to every function in the right one. If we have a list of functions that take two parameters, we can apply those functions between two lists.

ghci> [(+),(*)] <*> [1,2] <*> [3,4]

Because <*> is left-associative, [(+),(*)] <*> [1,2] happens first, resulting in a list that's the same as [(1+),(2+),(1*),(2*)], because every function on the left gets applied to every value on the right. Then, [(1+),(2+),(1*),(2*)] <*> [3,4] happens, which produces the final result.

Using the applicative style with lists is fun! Watch:

ghci> (++) <$> ["ha","heh","hmm"] <*> ["?","!","."]

Again, see how we used a normal function that takes two strings between two applicative functors of strings just by inserting the appropriate applicative operators.

You can view lists as non-deterministic computations. A value like 100 or "what" can be viewed as a deterministic computation that has only one result, whereas a list like [1,2,3] can be viewed as a computation that can't decide on which result it wants to have, so it presents us with all of the possible results. So when you do something like (+) <$> [1,2,3] <*> [4,5,6], you can think of it as adding together two non-deterministic computations with +, only to produce another non-deterministic computation that's even less sure about its result.

Using the applicative style on lists is often a good replacement for list comprehensions. In the second chapter, we wanted to see all the possible products of [2,5,10] and [8,10,11], so we did this:

ghci> [ x*y | x <- [2,5,10], y <- [8,10,11]]

We're just drawing from two lists and applying a function between every combination of elements. This can be done in the applicative style as well:

ghci> (*) <$> [2,5,10] <*> [8,10,11]

This seems clearer to me, because it's easier to see that we're just calling * between two non-deterministic computations. If we wanted all possible products of those two lists that are more than 50, we'd just do:

ghci> filter (>50) $ (*) <$> [2,5,10] <*> [8,10,11]

It's easy to see how pure f <*> xs equals fmap f xs with lists. pure f is just [f] and [f] <*> xs will apply every function in the left list to every value in the right one, but there's just one function in the left list, so it's like mapping.

Another instance of Applicative that we've already encountered is IO. This is how the instance is implemented:

instance Applicative IO where
    pure = return
    a <*> b = do
        f <- a
        x <- b
        return (f x)

Since pure is all about putting a value in a minimal context that still holds it as its result, it makes sense that pure is just return, because return does exactly that; it makes an I/O action that doesn't do anything, it just yields some value as its result, but it doesn't really do any I/O operations like printing to the terminal or reading from a file.

If <*> were specialized for IO it would have a type of (<*>) :: IO (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b. It would take an I/O action that yields a function as its result and another I/O action and create a new I/O action from those two that, when performed, first performs the first one to get the function and then performs the second one to get the value and then it would yield that function applied to the value as its result. We used do syntax to implement it here. Remember, do syntax is about taking several I/O actions and gluing them into one, which is exactly what we do here.

With Maybe and [], we could think of <*> as simply extracting a function from its left parameter and then sort of applying it over the right one. With IO, extracting is still in the game, but now we also have a notion of sequencing, because we're taking two I/O actions and we're sequencing, or gluing, them into one. We have to extract the function from the first I/O action, but to extract a result from an I/O action, it has to be performed.

Consider this:

myAction :: IO String
myAction = do
    a <- getLine
    b <- getLine
    return $ a ++ b

This is an I/O action that will prompt the user for two lines and yield as its result those two lines concatenated. We achieved it by gluing together two getLine I/O actions and a return, because we wanted our new glued I/O action to hold the result of a ++ b. Another way of writing this would be to use the applicative style.

myAction :: IO String
myAction = (++) <$> getLine <*> getLine

What we were doing before was making an I/O action that applied a function between the results of two other I/O actions, and this is the same thing. Remember, getLine is an I/O action with the type getLine :: IO String. When we use <*> between two applicative functors, the result is an applicative functor, so this all makes sense.

If we regress to the box analogy, we can imagine getLine as a box that will go out into the real world and fetch us a string. Doing (++) <$> getLine <*> getLine makes a new, bigger box that sends those two boxes out to fetch lines from the terminal and then presents the concatenation of those two lines as its result.

The type of the expression (++) <$> getLine <*> getLine is IO String, which means that this expression is a completely normal I/O action like any other, which also holds a result value inside it, just like other I/O actions. That's why we can do stuff like:

main = do
    a <- (++) <$> getLine <*> getLine
    putStrLn $ "The two lines concatenated turn out to be: " ++ a

If you ever find yourself binding some I/O actions to names and then calling some function on them and presenting that as the result by using return, consider using the applicative style because it's arguably a bit more concise and terse.

Another instance of Applicative is (->) r, so functions. They are rarely used with the applicative style outside of code golf, but they're still interesting as applicatives, so let's take a look at how the function instance is implemented.

If you're confused about what (->) r means, check out the previous section where we explain how (->) r is a functor.
instance Applicative ((->) r) where
    pure x = (\_ -> x)
    f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)

When we wrap a value into an applicative functor with pure, the result it yields always has to be that value. A minimal default context that still yields that value as a result. That's why in the function instance implementation, pure takes a value and creates a function that ignores its parameter and always returns that value. If we look at the type for pure, but specialized for the (->) r instance, it's pure :: a -> (r -> a).

ghci> (pure 3) "blah"

Because of currying, function application is left-associative, so we can omit the parentheses.

ghci> pure 3 "blah"

The instance implementation for <*> is a bit cryptic, so it's best if we just take a look at how to use functions as applicative functors in the applicative style.

ghci> :t (+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100)
(+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100) :: (Num a) => a -> a
ghci> (+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100) $ 5

Calling <*> with two applicative functors results in an applicative functor, so if we use it on two functions, we get back a function. So what goes on here? When we do (+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100), we're making a function that will use + on the results of (+3) and (*100) and return that. To demonstrate on a real example, when we did (+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100) $ 5, the 5 first got applied to (+3) and (*100), resulting in 8 and 500. Then, + gets called with 8 and 500, resulting in 508.

ghci> (\x y z -> [x,y,z]) <$> (+3) <*> (*2) <*> (/2) $ 5

Same here. We create a function that will call the function \x y z -> [x,y,z] with the eventual results from (+3), (*2) and (/2). The 5 gets fed to each of the three functions and then \x y z -> [x, y, z] gets called with those results.

You can think of functions as boxes that contain their eventual results, so doing k <$> f <*> g creates a function that will call k with the eventual results from f and g. When we do something like (+) <$> Just 3 <*> Just 5, we're using + on values that might or might not be there, which also results in a value that might or might not be there. When we do (+) <$> (+10) <*> (+5), we're using + on the future return values of (+10) and (+5) and the result is also something that will produce a value only when called with a parameter.

We don't often use functions as applicatives, but this is still really interesting. It's not very important that you get how the (->) r instance for Applicative works, so don't despair if you're not getting this right now. Try playing with the applicative style and functions to build up an intuition for functions as applicatives.

An instance of Applicative that we haven't encountered yet is ZipList, and it lives in Control.Applicative.

It turns out there are actually more ways for lists to be applicative functors. One way is the one we already covered, which says that calling <*> with a list of functions and a list of values results in a list which has all the possible combinations of applying functions from the left list to the values in the right list. If we do [(+3),(*2)] <*> [1,2], (+3) will be applied to both 1 and 2 and (*2) will also be applied to both 1 and 2, resulting in a list that has four elements, namely [4,5,2,4].

However, [(+3),(*2)] <*> [1,2] could also work in such a way that the first function in the left list gets applied to the first value in the right one, the second function gets applied to the second value, and so on. That would result in a list with two values, namely [4,4]. You could look at it as [1 + 3, 2 * 2].

Because one type can't have two instances for the same typeclass, the ZipList a type was introduced, which has one constructor ZipList that has just one field, and that field is a list. Here's the instance:

	instance Applicative ZipList where
        pure x = ZipList (repeat x)
        ZipList fs <*> ZipList xs = ZipList (zipWith (\f x -> f x) fs xs)

<*> does just what we said. It applies the first function to the first value, the second function to the second value, etc. This is done with zipWith (\f x -> f x) fs xs. Because of how zipWith works, the resulting list will be as long as the shorter of the two lists.

pure is also interesting here. It takes a value and puts it in a list that just has that value repeating indefinitely. pure "haha" results in ZipList (["haha","haha","haha".... This might be a bit confusing since we said that pure should put a value in a minimal context that still yields that value. And you might be thinking that an infinite list of something is hardly minimal. But it makes sense with zip lists, because it has to produce the value on every position. This also satisfies the law that pure f <*> xs should equal fmap f xs. If pure 3 just returned ZipList [3], pure (*2) <*> ZipList [1,5,10] would result in ZipList [2], because the resulting list of two zipped lists has the length of the shorter of the two. If we zip a finite list with an infinite list, the length of the resulting list will always be equal to the length of the finite list.

So how do zip lists work in an applicative style? Let's see. Oh, the ZipList a type doesn't have a Show instance, so we have to use the getZipList function to extract a raw list out of a zip list.

ghci> getZipList $ (+) <$> ZipList [1,2,3] <*> ZipList [100,100,100]
ghci> getZipList $ (+) <$> ZipList [1,2,3] <*> ZipList [100,100..]
ghci> getZipList $ max <$> ZipList [1,2,3,4,5,3] <*> ZipList [5,3,1,2]
ghci> getZipList $ (,,) <$> ZipList "dog" <*> ZipList "cat" <*> ZipList "rat"
The (,,) function is the same as \x y z -> (x,y,z). Also, the (,) function is the same as \x y -> (x,y).

Aside from zipWith, the standard library has functions such as zipWith3, zipWith4, all the way up to 7. zipWith takes a function that takes two parameters and zips two lists with it. zipWith3 takes a function that takes three parameters and zips three lists with it, and so on. By using zip lists with an applicative style, we don't have to have a separate zip function for each number of lists that we want to zip together. We just use the applicative style to zip together an arbitrary amount of lists with a function, and that's pretty cool.

Control.Applicative defines a function that's called liftA2, which has a type of liftA2 :: (Applicative f) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c . It's defined like this:

liftA2 :: (Applicative f) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 f a b = f <$> a <*> b

Nothing special, it just applies a function between two applicatives, hiding the applicative style that we've become familiar with. The reason we're looking at it is because it clearly showcases why applicative functors are more powerful than just ordinary functors. With ordinary functors, we can just map functions over one functor. But with applicative functors, we can apply a function between several functors. It's also interesting to look at this function's type as (a -> b -> c) -> (f a -> f b -> f c). When we look at it like this, we can say that liftA2 takes a normal binary function and promotes it to a function that operates on two functors.

Here's an interesting concept: we can take two applicative functors and combine them into one applicative functor that has inside it the results of those two applicative functors in a list. For instance, we have Just 3 and Just 4. Let's assume that the second one has a singleton list inside it, because that's really easy to achieve:

ghci> fmap (\x -> [x]) (Just 4)
Just [4]

OK, so let's say we have Just 3 and Just [4]. How do we get Just [3,4]? Easy.

ghci> liftA2 (:) (Just 3) (Just [4])
Just [3,4]
ghci> (:) <$> Just 3 <*> Just [4]
Just [3,4]

Remember, : is a function that takes an element and a list and returns a new list with that element at the beginning. Now that we have Just [3,4], could we combine that with Just 2 to produce Just [2,3,4]? Of course we could. It seems that we can combine any amount of applicatives into one applicative that has a list of the results of those applicatives inside it. Let's try implementing a function that takes a list of applicatives and returns an applicative that has a list as its result value. We'll call it sequenceA.

sequenceA :: (Applicative f) => [f a] -> f [a]
sequenceA [] = pure []
sequenceA (x:xs) = (:) <$> x <*> sequenceA xs

Ah, recursion! First, we look at the type. It will transform a list of applicatives into an applicative with a list. From that, we can lay some groundwork for an edge condition. If we want to turn an empty list into an applicative with a list of results, well, we just put an empty list in a default context. Now comes the recursion. If we have a list with a head and a tail (remember, x is an applicative and xs is a list of them), we call sequenceA on the tail, which results in an applicative with a list. Then, we just prepend the value inside the applicative x into that applicative with a list, and that's it!

So if we do sequenceA [Just 1, Just 2], that's (:) <$> Just 1 <*> sequenceA [Just 2] . That equals (:) <$> Just 1 <*> ((:) <$> Just 2 <*> sequenceA []). Ah! We know that sequenceA [] ends up as being Just [], so this expression is now (:) <$> Just 1 <*> ((:) <$> Just 2 <*> Just []), which is (:) <$> Just 1 <*> Just [2], which is Just [1,2]!

Another way to implement sequenceA is with a fold. Remember, pretty much any function where we go over a list element by element and accumulate a result along the way can be implemented with a fold.

sequenceA :: (Applicative f) => [f a] -> f [a]
sequenceA = foldr (liftA2 (:)) (pure [])

We approach the list from the right and start off with an accumulator value of pure []. We do liftA2 (:) between the accumulator and the last element of the list, which results in an applicative that has a singleton in it. Then we do liftA2 (:) with the now last element and the current accumulator and so on, until we're left with just the accumulator, which holds a list of the results of all the applicatives.

Let's give our function a whirl on some applicatives.

ghci> sequenceA [Just 3, Just 2, Just 1]
Just [3,2,1]
ghci> sequenceA [Just 3, Nothing, Just 1]
ghci> sequenceA [(+3),(+2),(+1)] 3
ghci> sequenceA [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
ghci> sequenceA [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[3,4,4],[]]

Ah! Pretty cool. When used on Maybe values, sequenceA creates a Maybe value with all the results inside it as a list. If one of the values was Nothing, then the result is also a Nothing. This is cool when you have a list of Maybe values and you're interested in the values only if none of them is a Nothing.

When used with functions, sequenceA takes a list of functions and returns a function that returns a list. In our example, we made a function that took a number as a parameter and applied it to each function in the list and then returned a list of results. sequenceA [(+3),(+2),(+1)] 3 will call (+3) with 3, (+2) with 3 and (+1) with 3 and present all those results as a list.

Doing (+) <$> (+3) <*> (*2) will create a function that takes a parameter, feeds it to both (+3) and (*2) and then calls + with those two results. In the same vein, it makes sense that sequenceA [(+3),(*2)] makes a function that takes a parameter and feeds it to all of the functions in the list. Instead of calling + with the results of the functions, a combination of : and pure [] is used to gather those results in a list, which is the result of that function.

Using sequenceA is cool when we have a list of functions and we want to feed the same input to all of them and then view the list of results. For instance, we have a number and we're wondering whether it satisfies all of the predicates in a list. One way to do that would be like so:

ghci> map (\f -> f 7) [(>4),(<10),odd]
ghci> and $ map (\f -> f 7) [(>4),(<10),odd]

Remember, and takes a list of booleans and returns True if they're all True. Another way to achieve the same thing would be with sequenceA:

ghci> sequenceA [(>4),(<10),odd] 7
ghci> and $ sequenceA [(>4),(<10),odd] 7

sequenceA [(>4),(<10),odd] creates a function that will take a number and feed it to all of the predicates in [(>4),(<10),odd] and return a list of booleans. It turns a list with the type (Num a) => [a -> Bool] into a function with the type (Num a) => a -> [Bool]. Pretty neat, huh?

Because lists are homogenous, all the functions in the list have to be functions of the same type, of course. You can't have a list like [ord, (+3)], because ord takes a character and returns a number, whereas (+3) takes a number and returns a number.

When used with [], sequenceA takes a list of lists and returns a list of lists. Hmm, interesting. It actually creates lists that have all possible combinations of their elements. For illustration, here's the above done with sequenceA and then done with a list comprehension:

ghci> sequenceA [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
ghci> [[x,y] | x <- [1,2,3], y <- [4,5,6]]
ghci> sequenceA [[1,2],[3,4]]
ghci> [[x,y] | x <- [1,2], y <- [3,4]]
ghci> sequenceA [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
ghci> [[x,y,z] | x <- [1,2], y <- [3,4], z <- [5,6]]

This might be a bit hard to grasp, but if you play with it for a while, you'll see how it works. Let's say that we're doing sequenceA [[1,2],[3,4]]. To see how this happens, let's use the sequenceA (x:xs) = (:) <$> x <*> sequenceA xs definition of sequenceA and the edge condition sequenceA [] = pure []. You don't have to follow this evaluation, but it might help you if have trouble imagining how sequenceA works on lists of lists, because it can be a bit mind-bending.

Doing (+) <$> [1,2] <*> [4,5,6]results in a non-deterministic computation x + y where x takes on every value from [1,2] and y takes on every value from [4,5,6]. We represent that as a list which holds all of the possible results. Similarly, when we do sequence [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]], the result is a non-deterministic computation [x,y,z,w], where x takes on every value from [1,2], y takes on every value from [3,4] and so on. To represent the result of that non-deterministic computation, we use a list, where each element in the list is one possible list. That's why the result is a list of lists.

When used with I/O actions, sequenceA is the same thing as sequence! It takes a list of I/O actions and returns an I/O action that will perform each of those actions and have as its result a list of the results of those I/O actions. That's because to turn an [IO a] value into an IO [a] value, to make an I/O action that yields a list of results when performed, all those I/O actions have to be sequenced so that they're then performed one after the other when evaluation is forced. You can't get the result of an I/O action without performing it.

ghci> sequenceA [getLine, getLine, getLine]

Like normal functors, applicative functors come with a few laws. The most important one is the one that we already mentioned, namely that pure f <*> x = fmap f x holds. As an exercise, you can prove this law for some of the applicative functors that we've met in this chapter.The other functor laws are:

We won't go over them in detail right now because that would take up a lot of pages and it would probably be kind of boring, but if you're up to the task, you can take a closer look at them and see if they hold for some of the instances.

In conclusion, applicative functors aren't just interesting, they're also useful, because they allow us to combine different computations, such as I/O computations, non-deterministic computations, computations that might have failed, etc. by using the applicative style. Just by using <$> and <*> we can use normal functions to uniformly operate on any number of applicative functors and take advantage of the semantics of each one.

A palavra chave newtype

why_ so serious?

Até agora, nós aprendemos como criar tipos de dados algébricos utilizando a palavra chave data. Nós aprendemos também a dar sinônimos para tipos existentes com a palavra chave type. Nesta seção, nós iremos dar uma olhada em como criar novos tipos a partir de tipos de dados já existentes utilizando a palavra chave newtype, e porque nós iriamos querer fazer isso em primeiro lugar.

Na seção anterior, nós vimos que há na verdade mais formas do tipo lista ser um applicative functor. Uma delas é o <*> pegar cada função da lista a esquerda e aplicar a cada valor na lista a direita, resultando em todas as combinações possíveis ao aplicar as funções da esquerda com os valores da direita.

ghci> [(+1),(*100),(*5)] <*> [1,2,3]

A segunda forma é pegar a primeira função a esquerda do <*> e aplicar ao primeiro valor da direita, então pegar a segunda função da lista a esquerda e aplicar ao segundo valor da direita, e assim por diante. Por fim, é como se estivessemos mesclando as duas listas. Mas listas já são uma instância de Applicative, então como nós fazemos da lista uma instância de Applicative desta segunda forma? Se você ainda lembra, nós dissemos que o tipo ZipList a foi introduzido para esse propósito, que tem um construtor de valor ZipList, com apenas um campo. Colocamos a lista que estamos empacotando naquele campo. Então, ZipList se torna uma instância de Applicative, assim quando nós queremos usar listas como aplicatives para realizar mesclagem, nós apenas envolvemos elas com o construtor de valor ZipList e então uma vez feito, recuperamos elas com getZipList:

ghci> getZipList $ ZipList [(+1),(*100),(*5)] <*> ZipList [1,2,3]

Então, o que isso tem a ver com a palavra-chave newtype? Bem, penso sobre como nós podemos escrever a declaração dos dados para nosso tipo ZipList a. Uma forma seria fazer assim:

data ZipList a = ZipList [a]

Um tipo que tem apenas um construtor e que o construtor de valor tem apenas um campo que é uma lista de coisas. Nós podemos querer também usar a sintaxe do record onde nós automaticamente obtemos uma função que extrai uma lista de um ZipList:

data ZipList a = ZipList { getZipList :: [a] }

Parece bom e funciona muito bem. Nós temos duas formas de fazer um tipo já existente uma instância de um tipo de classe, uma forma é usarmos a palavra-chave data apenas para embalar o tipo envolta de outro tipo e fazer desse outro tipo uma instância.

A palavra-chave newtype em Haskell é exatamente para estes casos quando nós queremos apenas pegar um tipo e envolvê-lo em alguma coisa para aprensentar como outro tipo. Nas bibliotecas atuais, ZipList a é definido como algo assim:

newtype ZipList a = ZipList { getZipList :: [a] }

Ao invés da palavra-chave data, a palavra-chave newtype é usada. Por que motivo? Bem, newtype é rápido. Se você usa a palavra-chave data para envolver um tipo, há um custo ao envolver e recuperar os dados quando seu programa está sendo executado. Mas se você usa newtype, Haskell sabe que você apenas está usando isso para envolver um tipo existente em um novo tipo (portanto o nome), porque você quer que internamente seja a mesma coisa mas tenha um tipo diferente. Com isso em mente, Haskell consegue eliminar o trabalho de envolver e recuperar valores uma vez que ele sabe qual valor é de que tipo.

Então, porque não usar newtype em todos os casos ao invés de data? Bem, quando você cria um novo tipo a partir de um tipo existente usando a palavra-chave newtype, você pode ter apenas um construtor e este deve ter apenas um campo. Mas com data, você pode criar tipos de dados com mais de um construtor de valor e cada construtor de valor pode ter zero ou mais campos:

data Profession = Fighter | Archer | Accountant

data Race = Human | Elf | Orc | Goblin

data PlayerCharacter = PlayerCharacter Race Profession

Quando usamos newtype, estamos restritos apenas um construtor com apenas um campo.

Podemos usar também a palavra-chave deriving com newtype assim como usamos com data. Nós podemos derivar instâncias para Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show e Read. Se derivarmos a instância para um tipo de classe, o tipo que estamos envolvendo tem de estar nesses tipos também. Faz sentido, porque newtype apenas envolve um tipo existente. Então agora, se nós fizermos o seguinte, nós podemos imprimir e comparar valores do nosso tipo:

newtype CharList = CharList { getCharList :: [Char] } deriving (Eq, Show)

Vamos dar uma olhada:

ghci> CharList "this will be shown!"
CharList {getCharList = "this will be shown!"}
ghci> CharList "benny" == CharList "benny"
ghci> CharList "benny" == CharList "oisters"

Nesse newtype em particular, o valor do construtor tem o seguinte tipo:

CharList :: [Char] -> CharList

Ele recebe um valor do tipo [Char], como "My Sharona" e retorna um valor do tipo CharList. A partir dos exemplos acima onde nós usamos o construtor CharList, nós vimos que esse é realmente um caso. Inversamente, a função getCharList, o qual foi gerada para nós já que usamos a sintaxe record em nosso newtype, tem este tipo:

getCharList :: CharList -> [Char]

Este recebe um valor do tipo CharList e converte para um valor do tipo [Char]. Você pode pensar nisso como envolvendo e recuperando, mas você também pode pensar nisso como uma conversão de valores de um tipo para outro.

Usando newtype para criar instâncias de um tipo de classe

Muitas vezes, nós queremos fazer dos nossos tipos instâncias de um certo tipo de classe, mas o tipo dos parâmetros não casam com o que nós queremos fazer. É fácil fazer de Maybe uma instância de Functor, porque o tipo de classe Functor é definido assim:

class Functor f where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Então nós apenas começamos com:

instance Functor Maybe where

E então implementamos fmap. Todos os tipos de parâmetros fazem sentido aqui porque Maybe toma o lugar de f na definição do tipo de classe Functor, então se nós olharmos fmap como se ele apenas funcionasse com Maybe, ele acaba se comportando da seguinte maneira:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
wow, very evil

Não é excelente? Agora, e se nós quisermos fazer da tupla uma instância de Functor, de uma forma que quando nós usarmos fmap em uma tupla este é aplicado ao primeiro item da tupla? Dessa forma, fazendo fmap (+3) (1,1) resultaria em (4,1). Escrever uma instância para isso parece difícil. Com Maybe nós apenas fazemos instance Functor Maybe where, porque apenas construtores de valores de tipo que recebem exatamente um parâmetro podem se tornar uma instância de Functor. Mas parece que não tem uma forma de fazer algo assim com (a,b), então o parâmetro do tipo a acaba sendo o parâmetro que muda quando nós usamos fmap. Para contornar isso, nós podemos usar newtype em nossa tupla de uma forma que o segundo parâmetro represente o tipo do primeiro item na tupla:

newtype Pair b a = Pair { getPair :: (a,b) }

E agora, nós podemos fazer disso uma instância de Functor da forma que a função é mapeada sobre o primeiro componente:

instance Functor (Pair c) where
    fmap f (Pair (x,y)) = Pair (f x, y)

Como você pode ver, nós podemos casar padrões de tipos definidos com newtype. Nós casamos padrões para obter a tupla subjacente, então nós aplicamos a função f ao primeiro componente da tupla e então usamos o construtor Pair para converter a tupla de volta para Pair b a. Se nós imaginarmos que o tipo fmap poderia ser se apenas trabalhasse nos nossos novos pares, este seria:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Pair c a -> Pair c b

Novamente, escrevemos instance Functor (Pair c) where e assim Pair c toma o lugar de f na definição do tipo de classe para Functor:

class Functor f where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Então agora, se nós convertermos a tupla em Pair b a, nós podemos usar fmap nela e a função será mapeada sobre o primeiro componente:

ghci> getPair $ fmap (*100) (Pair (2,3))
ghci> getPair $ fmap reverse (Pair ("london calling", 3))
("gnillac nodnol",3)

A avaliação sob demanda de newtype

Nós mencionamos que newtype geralmente é mais rápido que data. A única coisa que pode ser feita com newtype é transformar um tipo existente em um novo tipo, então internamente, Haskell pode representar os valores dos tipos definidos com newtype como os originais, apenas tem de manter em mente que seus tipos agora são distintos. Isso significa que newtype não é apenas mais rápido, este é também avaliado sob demanda. Vamos dar uma olhada no que isso significa.

Como dissemos antes, Haskell é avaliado sob demanda por padrão, o que significa que apenas quando nós tentarmos exibir os resultados de nossas funções as computações serão feitas. Além disso, apenas as computações que são necessárias para nossa função exibir o resultado serão avaliadas. O valor undefined em Haskell representa uma computação errônea. Se tertarmos avaliar isso (ou seja, forçar Haskell a realizar esta computação) exibindo o resultado no terminal, Haskell irá ter um chilique (conhecido técnicamente como exceção):

ghci> undefined
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined

Entretanto, se nós criarmos uma lista com alguns valores undefined e apenas usarmos o topo da lista, que não é undefined, tudo vai funcionar porque Haskell de fato não precisará avaliar nenhum outro elemento na lista se nós apenas queremos ver o que o primeiro elemento é:

ghci> head [3,4,5,undefined,2,undefined]

Agora considere o seguinte tipo:

data CoolBool = CoolBool { getCoolBool :: Bool }

Este é o seu tipo de dado algébrico comum que foi definido usando a palavra chave data. Ele tem apenas um construtor, com um único campo que o tipo é Bool. Vamos criar uma função para fazer um casamento de padrões em CoolBool e retornar o valor "hello", independente se Bool dentro de CoolBool for True ou False:

helloMe :: CoolBool -> String
helloMe (CoolBool _) = "hello"

Ao invés de aplicar esta função a um CoolBool normalmente, vamos fazer diferente e aplicar a undefined!

ghci> helloMe undefined
"*** Exception: Prelude.undefined

Caramba! Uma exceção! Agora, porque esta exceção acontece? Tipos definidos com a palavra chave data podem ter múltiplos construtores de valores (mesmo CoolBool tendo apenas um). Então para ver se o valor passado para nossa função obedece ao padrão (CoolBool _), Haskell tem de avaliar o tipo apenas para ver que construtor de valor foi usado quando nós criamos o valor. E quando nós tentarmos avaliar um valor undefined, uma exceção será lançada.

Ao invés de usar a palavra chave data para CoolBool, vamos tentar usar newtype:

newtype CoolBool = CoolBool { getCoolBool :: Bool }

Nós não temos de mudar nossa função helloMe, porque a sintaxe do casamento de padrões é a mesma se você usar newtype ou data para definir nosso tipo. Vamos fazer a mesma coisa aqui e aplicar helloMe a um valor undefined:

ghci> helloMe undefined
top of the mornin to ya!!!

Agora funcionou! Hmmm, por quê? Bem, como dissemos antes, quando nós usamos newtype, Haskell pode internamente representar os valores de novos tipos da mesma forma que os valores originais. Ele não precisa adicionar uma caixa em torno deles, apenas precisa estar ciente de que os valores são de tipos diferentes. E porque Haskell sabe que os tipos criados com a palavra chave newtype podem ter apenas um construtor, ele não tem de avaliar o valor passado para a função para ter certeza que obedece aos padrões de (CoolBool _) porque os tipos criados com newtype podem ter apenas um construtor de valor possível e um campo!

Esta diferença de comportamento pode parecer trivial, mas é muito importante porque isso nos ajuda a perceber que mesmo tipos definidos com data e newtype se comportam de maneira similar do ponto de vista de programadores porque ambos tem construtores e campos, eles são apenas dois mecanismos diferentes. Enquanto que data pode ser usado para criar seus próprios tipos, newtype é para criar um novo tipo baseado em um tipo existente. Casar padrões em valores newtype não é como extrair algo de uma caixa (como é com data), é mais como fazer uma conversão direta entre um tipo e outro.

type vs. newtype vs. data

Até este ponto, você pode estar um pouco confuso sobre qual exatamente é a diferença entre type, data e newtype, então vamos refrescar nossas memórias um pouco.

A palavra chave type é para criar tipos sinônimos. O que significa é que nós podemos apenas dar outro nome para um tipo que já existe apenas para facilitar quando precisarmos referenciá-lo. Vamos dizer que fizemos o seguinte:

type IntList = [Int]

O que tudo isso faz é nos permitir referenciar o tipo [Int] como IntList. Eles podem ser usados em conjunto. Nós não temos um construtor de valor IntList ou nada parecido. Porque [Int] e IntList são apenas duas formas de referenciar o mesmo tipo, não importa qual nome nós usamos em nossas anotações de tipos:

ghci> ([1,2,3] :: IntList) ++ ([1,2,3] :: [Int])

Nós usamos tipos sinônimos quando nós queremos fazer nossas assinaturas de tipos mais descritivas, dando aos tipos nomes que nos dizem algo sobre seu propósito no contexto das funções onde estão sendo usadas. Por exemplo, quando nós usamos uma lista de associação do tipo [(String,String)] para representar uma agenda telefônica, nós demos a este tipo o sinônimo de PhoneBook, para que as assinaturas de nossas funções ficassem fáceis de ler.

A palavra chave newtype é para pegar tipos existentes e envolver eles em novos tipos, principalmente para facilitar fazer deles instâncias de certos tipos de classes. Quando nós usamos newtype para envolver um tipo existente, o tipo que nós obtemos é diferente do tipo original. Se criarmos o seguinte newtype:

newtype CharList = CharList { getCharList :: [Char] }

Nós não podemos usar ++ para juntar um CharList e uma lista do tipo [Char]. Nós não podemos nem mesmo usar ++ para juntar duas CharList, porque ++ trabalha apenas em listas e o tipo CharList não é uma lista, mesmo esta contendo uma. Nós podemos, entretando, converter duas CharList para listas, juntar elas com ++ e então converter de volta para um CharList.

Quando nós usamos a sintaxe record em nossas declarações newtype, nós obtemos funções para converter entre o novo tipo e o tipo original: nomeando o construtor de valor de nosso newtype e a função para extrair o valor do seu campo. O novo tipo também não se torna automaticamente uma instância dos tipos de classes que o tipo original pertence, então nós temos que derivar ou manualmente escrever elas.

Na prática, você pode pensar em declarações newtype como declarações data que possuem apenas um construtor e um campo. Se você se pegar escrevendo declarações data assim, considere usar newtype.

A palavra chave data é para criar seus próprios tipos e com eles, fazer o que você quiser. Eles podem ter quantos construtores e campos você desejar e podem ser usados para implementar qualquer tipo de dados algébricos que quiser. Qualquer coisa como listas e Maybe - como tipos de árvores.

Se você apenas quer que suas assinaturas de tipos pareçam claras e mais descritivas, você vai querer tipos sinônimos provavelmente. Se você quer pegar um tipo existente e envolver em um novo tipo para fazer deste uma instância de um tipo de classe, pode ser que esteje precisando de newtype. E se você quer fazer algo completamente novo, a probabilidade é de que você use a palavra chave data.


wow this is pretty much the gayest pirate ship

Type classes in Haskell are used to present an interface for types that have some behavior in common. We started out with simple type classes like Eq, which is for types whose values can be equated, and Ord, which is for things that can be put in an order and then moved on to more interesting ones, like Functor and Applicative.

When we make a type, we think about which behaviors it supports, i.e. what it can act like and then based on that we decide which type classes to make it an instance of. If it makes sense for values of our type to be equated, we make it an instance of the Eq type class. If we see that our type is some kind of functor, we make it an instance of Functor, and so on.

Now consider the following: * is a function that takes two numbers and multiplies them. If we multiply some number with a 1, the result is always equal to that number. It doesn't matter if we do 1 * x or x * 1, the result is always x. Similarly, ++ is also a function which takes two things and returns a third. Only instead of multiplying numbers, it takes two lists and concatenates them. And much like *, it also has a certain value which doesn't change the other one when used with ++. That value is the empty list: [].

ghci> 4 * 1
ghci> 1 * 9
ghci> [1,2,3] ++ []
ghci> [] ++ [0.5, 2.5]

It seems that both * together with 1 and ++ along with [] share some common properties:

There's another thing that these two operations have in common that may not be as obvious as our previous observations: when we have three or more values and we want to use the binary function to reduce them to a single result, the order in which we apply the binary function to the values doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if we do (3 * 4) * 5 or 3 * (4 * 5). Either way, the result is 60. The same goes for ++:

ghci> (3 * 2) * (8 * 5)
ghci> 3 * (2 * (8 * 5))
ghci> "la" ++ ("di" ++ "da")
ghci> ("la" ++ "di") ++ "da"

We call this property associativity. * is associative, and so is ++, but -, for example, is not. The expressions (5 - 3) - 4 and 5 - (3 - 4) result in different numbers.

By noticing and writing down these properties, we have chanced upon monoids! A monoid is when you have an associative binary function and a value which acts as an identity with respect to that function. When something acts as an identity with respect to a function, it means that when called with that function and some other value, the result is always equal to that other value. 1 is the identity with respect to * and [] is the identity with respect to ++. There are a lot of other monoids to be found in the world of Haskell, which is why the Monoid type class exists. It's for types which can act like monoids. Let's see how the type class is defined:

class Monoid m where
    mempty :: m
    mappend :: m -> m -> m
    mconcat :: [m] -> m
    mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
woof dee do!!!

The Monoid type class is defined in import Data.Monoid. Let's take some time and get properly acquainted with it.

First of all, we see that only concrete types can be made instances of Monoid, because the m in the type class definition doesn't take any type parameters. This is different from Functor and Applicative, which require their instances to be type constructors which take one parameter.

The first function is mempty. It's not really a function, since it doesn't take parameters, so it's a polymorphic constant, kind of like minBound from Bounded. mempty represents the identity value for a particular monoid.

Next up, we have mappend, which, as you've probably guessed, is the binary function. It takes two values of the same type and returns a value of that type as well. It's worth noting that the decision to name mappend as it's named was kind of unfortunate, because it implies that we're appending two things in some way. While ++ does take two lists and append one to the other, * doesn't really do any appending, it just multiplies two numbers together. When we meet other instances of Monoid, we'll see that most of them don't append values either, so avoid thinking in terms of appending and just think in terms of mappend being a binary function that takes two monoid values and returns a third.

The last function in this type class definition is mconcat. It takes a list of monoid values and reduces them to a single value by doing mappend between the list's elements. It has a default implementation, which just takes mempty as a starting value and folds the list from the right with mappend. Because the default implementation is fine for most instances, we won't concern ourselves with mconcat too much from now on. When making a type an instance of Monoid, it suffices to just implement mempty and mappend. The reason mconcat is there at all is because for some instances, there might be a more efficient way to implement mconcat, but for most instances the default implementation is just fine.

Before moving on to specific instances of Monoid, let's take a brief look at the monoid laws. We mentioned that there has to be a value that acts as the identity with respect to the binary function and that the binary function has to be associative. It's possible to make instances of Monoid that don't follow these rules, but such instances are of no use to anyone because when using the Monoid type class, we rely on its instances acting like monoids. Otherwise, what's the point? That's why when making instances, we have to make sure they follow these laws:

The first two state that mempty has to act as the identity with respect to mappend and the third says that mappend has to be associative i.e. that it the order in which we use mappend to reduce several monoid values into one doesn't matter. Haskell doesn't enforce these laws, so we as the programmer have to be careful that our instances do indeed obey them.

Lists are monoids

Yes, lists are monoids! Like we've seen, the ++ function and the empty list [] form a monoid. The instance is very simple:

instance Monoid [a] where
    mempty = []
    mappend = (++)

Lists are an instance of the Monoid type class regardless of the type of the elements they hold. Notice that we wrote instance Monoid [a] and not instance Monoid [], because Monoid requires a concrete type for an instance.

Giving this a test run, we encounter no surprises:

ghci> [1,2,3] `mappend` [4,5,6]
ghci> ("one" `mappend` "two") `mappend` "tree"
ghci> "one" `mappend` ("two" `mappend` "tree")
ghci> "one" `mappend` "two" `mappend` "tree"
ghci> "pang" `mappend` mempty
ghci> mconcat [[1,2],[3,6],[9]]
ghci> mempty :: [a]
smug as hell

Notice that in the last line, we had to write an explicit type annotation, because if we just did mempty, GHCi wouldn't know which instance to use, so we had to say we want the list instance. We were able to use the general type of [a] (as opposed to specifying [Int] or [String]) because the empty list can act as if it contains any type.

Because mconcat has a default implementation, we get it for free when we make something an instance of Monoid. In the case of the list, mconcat turns out to be just concat. It takes a list of lists and flattens it, because that's the equivalent of doing ++ between all the adjecent lists in a list.

The monoid laws do indeed hold for the list instance. When we have several lists and we mappend (or ++) them together, it doesn't matter which ones we do first, because they're just joined at the ends anyway. Also, the empty list acts as the identity so all is well. Notice that monoids don't require that a `mappend` b be equal to b `mappend` a. In the case of the list, they clearly aren't:

ghci> "one" `mappend` "two"
ghci> "two" `mappend` "one"

And that's okay. The fact that for multiplication 3 * 5 and 5 * 3 are the same is just a property of multiplication, but it doesn't hold for all (and indeed, most) monoids.

Product and Sum

We already examined one way for numbers to be considered monoids. Just have the binary function be * and the identity value 1. It turns out that that's not the only way for numbers to be monoids. Another way is to have the binary function be + and the identity value 0:

ghci> 0 + 4
ghci> 5 + 0
ghci> (1 + 3) + 5
ghci> 1 + (3 + 5)

The monoid laws hold, because if you add 0 to any number, the result is that number. And addition is also associative, so we get no problems there. So now that there are two equally valid ways for numbers to be monoids, which way do choose? Well, we don't have to. Remember, when there are several ways for some type to be an instance of the same type class, we can wrap that type in a newtype and then make the new type an instance of the type class in a different way. We can have our cake and eat it too.

The Data.Monoid module exports two types for this, namely Product and Sum. Product is defined like this:

newtype Product a =  Product { getProduct :: a }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)

Simple, just a newtype wrapper with one type parameter along with some derived instances. Its instance for Monoid goes a little something like this:

instance Num a => Monoid (Product a) where
    mempty = Product 1
    Product x `mappend` Product y = Product (x * y)

mempty is just 1 wrapped in a Product constructor. mappend pattern matches on the Product constructor, multiplies the two numbers and then wraps the resulting number back. As you can see, there's a Num a class constraint. So this means that Product a is an instance of Monoid for all a's that are already an instance of Num. To use Producta a as a monoid, we have to do some newtype wrapping and unwrapping:

ghci> getProduct $ Product 3 `mappend` Product 9
ghci> getProduct $ Product 3 `mappend` mempty
ghci> getProduct $ Product 3 `mappend` Product 4 `mappend` Product 2
ghci> getProduct . mconcat . map Product $ [3,4,2]

This is nice as a showcase of the Monoid type class, but no one in their right mind would use this way of multiplying numbers instead of just writing 3 * 9 and 3 * 1. But a bit later, we'll see how these Monoid instances that may seem trivial at this time can come in handy.

Sum is defined like Product and the instance is similar as well. We use it in the same way:

ghci> getSum $ Sum 2 `mappend` Sum 9
ghci> getSum $ mempty `mappend` Sum 3
ghci> getSum . mconcat . map Sum $ [1,2,3]

Any and All

Another type which can act like a monoid in two distinct but equally valid ways is Bool. The first way is to have the or function || act as the binary function along with False as the identity value. The way or works in logic is that if any of its two parameters is True, it returns True, otherwise it returns False. So if we use False as the identity value, it will return False when or-ed with False and True when or-ed with True. The Any newtype constructor is an instance of Monoid in this fashion. It's defined like this:

newtype Any = Any { getAny :: Bool }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)

Its instance looks goes like so:

	instance Monoid Any where
        mempty = Any False
        Any x `mappend` Any y = Any (x || y)

The reason it's called Any is because x `mappend` y will be True if any one of those two is True. Even if three or more Any wrapped Bools are mappended together, the result will hold True if any of them are True:

ghci> getAny $ Any True `mappend` Any False
ghci> getAny $ mempty `mappend` Any True
ghci> getAny . mconcat . map Any $ [False, False, False, True]
ghci> getAny $ mempty `mappend` mempty

The other way for Bool to be an instance of Monoid is to kind of do the opposite: have && be the binary function and then make True the identity value. Logical and will return True only if both of its parameters are True. This is the newtype declaration, nothing fancy:

	newtype All = All { getAll :: Bool }
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)

And this is the instance:

	instance Monoid All where
        mempty = All True
        All x `mappend` All y = All (x && y)

When we mappend values of the All type, the result will be True only if all the values used in the mappend operations are True:

ghci> getAll $ mempty `mappend` All True
ghci> getAll $ mempty `mappend` All False
ghci> getAll . mconcat . map All $ [True, True, True]
ghci> getAll . mconcat . map All $ [True, True, False]

Just like with multiplication and addition, we usually explicitly state the binary functions instead of wrapping them in newtypes and then using mappend and mempty. mconcat seems useful for Any and All, but usually it's easier to use the or and and functions, which take lists of Bools and return True if any of them are True or if all of them are True, respectively.

The Ordering monoid

Hey, remember the Ordering type? It's used as the result when comparing things and it can have three values: LT, EQ and GT, which stand for less than, equal and greater than respectively:

ghci> 1 `compare` 2
ghci> 2 `compare` 2
ghci> 3 `compare` 2

With lists, numbers and boolean values, finding monoids was just a matter of looking at already existing commonly used functions and seeing if they exhibit some sort of monoid behavior. With Ordering, we have to look a bit harder to recognize a monoid, but it turns out that its Monoid instance is just as intuitive as the ones we've met so far and also quite useful:

instance Monoid Ordering where
    mempty = EQ
    LT `mappend` _ = LT
    EQ `mappend` y = y
    GT `mappend` _ = GT
did anyone ORDER pizza?!?! I can't BEAR these puns!

The instance is set up like this: when we mappend two Ordering values, the one on the left is kept, unless the value on the left is EQ, in which case the right one is the result. The identity is EQ. At first, this may seem kind of arbitrary, but it actually resembles the way we alphabetically compare words. We compare the first two letters and if they differ, we can already decide which word would go first in a dictionary. However, if the first two letters are equal, then we move on to comparing the next pair of letters and repeat the process.

For instance, if we were to alphabetically compare the words "ox" and "on", we'd first compare the first two letters of each word, see that they are equal and then move on to comparing the second letter of each word. We see that 'x' is alphabetically greater than 'n', and so we know how the words compare. To gain some intuition for EQ being the identity, we can notice that if we were to cram the same letter in the same position in both words, it wouldn't change their alphabetical ordering. "oix" is still alphabetically greater than and "oin".

It's important to note that in the Monoid instance for Ordering, x `mappend` y doesn't equal y `mappend` x. Because the first parameter is kept unless it's EQ, LT `mappend` GT will result in LT, whereas GT `mappend` LT will result in GT:

ghci> LT `mappend` GT
ghci> GT `mappend` LT
ghci> mempty `mappend` LT
ghci> mempty `mappend` GT

OK, so how is this monoid useful? Let's say you were writing a function that takes two strings, compares their lengths, and returns an Ordering. But if the strings are of the same length, then instead of returning EQ right away, we want to compare them alphabetically. One way to write this would be like so:

lengthCompare :: String -> String -> Ordering
lengthCompare x y = let a = length x `compare` length y
                        b = x `compare` y
                    in  if a == EQ then b else a

We name the result of comparing the lengths a and the result of the alphabetical comparison b and then if it turns out that the lengths were equal, we return their alphabetical ordering.

But by employing our understanding of how Ordering is a monoid, we can rewrite this function in a much simpler manner:

import Data.Monoid

lengthCompare :: String -> String -> Ordering
lengthCompare x y = (length x `compare` length y) `mappend`
                    (x `compare` y)

We can try this out:

ghci> lengthCompare "zen" "ants"
ghci> lengthCompare "zen" "ant"

Remember, when we use mappend, its left parameter is always kept unless it's EQ, in which case the right one is kept. That's why we put the comparison that we consider to be the first, more important criterion as the first parameter. If we wanted to expand this function to also compare for the number of vowels and set this to be the second most important criterion for comparison, we'd just modify it like this:

import Data.Monoid

lengthCompare :: String -> String -> Ordering
lengthCompare x y = (length x `compare` length y) `mappend`
                    (vowels x `compare` vowels y) `mappend`
                    (x `compare` y)
    where vowels = length . filter (`elem` "aeiou")

We made a helper function, which takes a string and tells us how many vowels it has by first filtering it only for letters that are in the string "aeiou" and then applying length to that.

ghci> lengthCompare "zen" "anna"
ghci> lengthCompare "zen" "ana"
ghci> lengthCompare "zen" "ann"

Very cool. Here, we see how in the first example the lengths are found to be different and so LT is returned, because the length of "zen" is less than the length of "anna". In the second example, the lengths are the same, but the second string has more vowels, so LT is returned again. In the third example, they both have the same length and the same number of vowels, so they're compared alphabetically and "zen" wins.

The Ordering monoid is very cool because it allows us to easily compare things by many different criteria and put those criteria in an order themselves, ranging from the most important to the least.

Maybe the monoid

Let's take a look at the various ways that Maybe a can be made an instance of Monoid and what those instances are useful for.

One way is to treat Maybe a as a monoid only if its type parameter a is a monoid as well and then implement mappend in such a way that it uses the mappend operation of the values that are wrapped with Just. We use Nothing as the identity, and so if one of the two values that we're mappending is Nothing, we keep the other value. Here's the instance declaration:

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a) where
    mempty = Nothing
    Nothing `mappend` m = m
    m `mappend` Nothing = m
    Just m1 `mappend` Just m2 = Just (m1 `mappend` m2)

Notice the class constraint. It says that Maybe a is an instance of Monoid only if a is an instance of Monoid. If we mappend something with a Nothing, the result is that something. If we mappend two Just values, the contents of the Justs get mappended and then wrapped back in a Just. We can do this because the class constraint ensures that the type of what's inside the Just is an instance of Monoid.

ghci> Nothing `mappend` Just "andy"
Just "andy"
ghci> Just LT `mappend` Nothing
Just LT
ghci> Just (Sum 3) `mappend` Just (Sum 4)
Just (Sum {getSum = 7})

This comes in use when you're dealing with monoids as results of computations that may have failed. Because of this instance, we don't have to check if the computations have failed by seeing if they're a Nothing or Just value; we can just continue to treat them as normal monoids.

But what if the type of the contents of the Maybe aren't an instance of Monoid? Notice that in the previous instance declaration, the only case where we have to rely on the contents being monoids is when both parameters of mappend are Just values. But if we don't know if the contents are monoids, we can't use mappend between them, so what are we to do? Well, one thing we can do is to just discard the second value and keep the first one. For this, the First a type exists and this is its definition:

newtype First a = First { getFirst :: Maybe a }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

We take a Maybe a and we wrap it with a newtype. The Monoid instance is as follows:

instance Monoid (First a) where
    mempty = First Nothing
    First (Just x) `mappend` _ = First (Just x)
    First Nothing `mappend` x = x

Just like we said. mempty is just a Nothing wrapped with the First newtype constructor. If mappend's first parameter is a Just value, we ignore the second one. If the first one is a Nothing, then we present the second parameter as a result, regardless of whether it's a Just or a Nothing:

ghci> getFirst $ First (Just 'a') `mappend` First (Just 'b')
Just 'a'
ghci> getFirst $ First Nothing `mappend` First (Just 'b')
Just 'b'
ghci> getFirst $ First (Just 'a') `mappend` First Nothing
Just 'a'

First is useful when we have a bunch of Maybe values and we just want to know if any of them is a Just. The mconcat function comes in handy:

ghci> getFirst . mconcat . map First $ [Nothing, Just 9, Just 10]
Just 9

If we want a monoid on Maybe a such that the second parameter is kept if both parameters of mappend are Just values, Data.Monoid provides a the Last a type, which works like First a, only the last non-Nothing value is kept when mappending and using mconcat:

ghci> getLast . mconcat . map Last $ [Nothing, Just 9, Just 10]
Just 10
ghci> getLast $ Last (Just "one") `mappend` Last (Just "two")
Just "two"

Using monoids to fold data structures

One of the more interesting ways to put monoids to work is to make them help us define folds over various data structures. So far, we've only done folds over lists, but lists aren't the only data structure that can be folded over. We can define folds over almost any data structure. Trees especially lend themselves well to folding.

Because there are so many data structures that work nicely with folds, the Foldable type class was introduced. Much like Functor is for things that can be mapped over, Foldable is for things that can be folded up! It can be found in Data.Foldable and because it export functions whose names clash with the ones from the Prelude, it's best imported qualified (and served with basil):

	import qualified Foldable as F

To save ourselves precious keystrokes, we've chosen to import it qualified as F. Alright, so what are some of the functions that this type class defines? Well, among them are foldr, foldl, foldr1 and foldl1. Huh? But we already know these functions, what's so new about this? Let's compare the types of Foldable's foldr and the foldr from the Prelude to see how they differ:

ghci> :t foldr
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
ghci> :t F.foldr
F.foldr :: (F.Foldable t) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b

Ah! So whereas foldr takes a list and folds it up, the foldr from Data.Foldable accepts any type that can be folded up, not just lists! As expected, both foldr functions do the same for lists:

ghci> foldr (*) 1 [1,2,3]
ghci> F.foldr (*) 1 [1,2,3]

Okay then, what are some other data structures that support folds? Well, there's the Maybe we all know and love!

ghci> F.foldl (+) 2 (Just 9)
ghci> F.foldr (||) False (Just True)

But folding over a Maybe value isn't terribly interesting, because when it comes to folding, it just acts like a list with one element if it's a Just value and as an empty list if it's Nothing. So let's examine a data structure that's a little more complex then.

Remember the tree data structure from the Making Our Own Types and Typeclasses chapter? We defined it like this:

	data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

We said that a tree is either an empty tree that doesn't hold any values or it's a node that holds one value and also two other trees. After defining it, we made it an instance of Functor and with that we gained the ability to fmap functions over it. Now, we're going to make it an instance of Foldable so that we get the abilty to fold it up. One way to make a type constructor an instance of Foldable is to just directly implement foldr for it. But another, often much easier way, is to implement the foldMap function, which is also a part of the Foldable type class. The foldMap function has the following type:

	foldMap :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m

Its first parameter is a function that takes a value of the type that our foldable structure contains (denoted here with a) and returns a monoid value. Its second parameter is a foldable structure that contains values of type a. It maps that function over the foldable structure, thus producing a foldable structure that contains monoid values. Then, by doing mappend between those monoid values, it joins them all into a single monoid value. This function may sound kind of odd at the moment, but we'll see that it's very easy to implement. What's also cool is that implementing this function is all it takes for our type to be made an instance of Foldable. So if we just implement foldMap for some type, we get foldr and foldl on that type for free!

This is how we make Tree an instance of Foldable:

instance F.Foldable Tree where
    foldMap f Empty = mempty
    foldMap f (Node x l r) = F.foldMap f l `mappend`
                             f x           `mappend`
                             F.foldMap f r
find the visual pun or whatever

We think like this: if we are provided with a function that takes an element of our tree and returns a monoid value, how do we reduce our whole tree down to one single monoid value? When we were doing fmap over our tree, we applied the function that we were mapping to a node and then we recursively mapped the function over the left sub-tree as well as the right one. Here, we're tasked with not only mapping a function, but with also joining up the results into a single monoid value by using mappend. First we consider the case of the empty tree — a sad and lonely tree that has no values or sub-trees. It doesn't hold any value that we can give to our monoid-making function, so we just say that if our tree is empty, the monoid value it becomes is mempty.

The case of a non-empty node is a bit more interesting. It contains two sub-trees as well as a value. In this case, we recursively foldMap the same function f over the left and the right sub-trees. Remember, our foldMap results in a single monoid value. We also apply our function f to the value in the node. Now we have three monoid values (two from our sub-trees and one from applying f to the value in the node) and we just have to bang them together into a single value. For this purpose we use mappend, and naturally the left sub-tree comes first, then the node value and then the right sub-tree.

Notice that we didn't have to provide the function that takes a value and returns a monoid value. We receive that function as a parameter to foldMap and all we have to decide is where to apply that function and how to join up the resulting monoids from it.

Now that we have a Foldable instance for our tree type, we get foldr and foldl for free! Consider this tree:

	testTree = Node 5
            (Node 3
                (Node 1 Empty Empty)
                (Node 6 Empty Empty)
            (Node 9
                (Node 8 Empty Empty)
                (Node 10 Empty Empty)

It has 5 at its root and then its left node is has 3 with 1 on the left and 6 on the right. The root's right node has a 9 and then an 8 to its left and a 10 on the far right side. With a Foldable instance, we can do all of the folds that we can do on lists:

ghci> F.foldl (+) 0 testTree
ghci> F.foldl (*) 1 testTree

And also, foldMap isn't only useful for making new instances of Foldable; it comes in handy for reducing our structure to a single monoid value. For instance, if we want to know if any number in our tree is equal to 3, we can do this:

ghci> getAny $ F.foldMap (\x -> Any $ x == 3) testTree

Here, \x -> Any $ x == 3 is a function that takes a number and returns a monoid value, namely a Bool wrapped in Any. foldMap applies this function to every element in our tree and then reduces the resulting monoids into a single monoid with mappend. If we do this:

ghci> getAny $ F.foldMap (\x -> Any $ x > 15) testTree

All of the nodes in our tree would hold the value Any False after having the function in the lambda applied to them. But to end up True, mappend for Any has to have at least one True value as a parameter. That's why the final result is False, which makes sense because no value in our tree is greater than 15.

We can also easily turn our tree into a list by doing a foldMap with the \x -> [x] function. By first projecting that function onto our tree, each element becomes a singleton list. The mappend action that takes place between all those singleton list results in a single list that holds all of the elements that are in our tree:

ghci> F.foldMap (\x -> [x]) testTree

What's cool is that all of these trick aren't limited to trees, they work on any instance of Foldable.